这张照片来自2020年2月的包装入职活动, 参与者观察包装线模拟在Dysruptek R&D中心. The most recent Packaging Onboarding event was mostly virtual because of COVID-19 precautions.


澳门足彩app Packaging Engineers Put Their Passion 和 Creativity on Display During Onboarding Event

The three-day seminar covered wide-ranging topics from company values to business etiquette to controls system design.


我一直着迷于产品包装的设计方面, 但在加入澳门足彩app之前,我并没有真正考虑过这个过程背后的机制. So, when I had the opportunity to attend an onboarding event held by the 包装系统 team, 我很好奇.

每年举行两次的入职培训由 贝拉·雅各布森,包装运营总监. 具有物料搬运专业知识的工业工程师, 贝拉热情而平易近人, 这让学习力学和工程学变得更容易. 我的大脑没有机械倾向, so I appreciated that the onboarding was led by someone who was down to earth 和 easy to underst和.

为期三天的活动安排得像一个研讨会, 在广泛的包装主题上有多个扬声器, 比如工程过程, 最佳实践, 标准, 并进一步了解哈斯克尔家族中的角色. 不仅有关于包装和工艺工程的演讲, but there were 也 presentations about other areas of the 澳门足彩app company that contribute to the 包装 sector like Doug Wear’s presentation on Travel 和 Business Etiquette, during which he reiterates some general travel knowledge as well as proper manufacturing facility guidelines, 比如不把玻璃瓶带进工厂.

除了道格关于旅行规程的报告, 香农奥尼尔, 包装消费品(CPG)市场营销组经理, gave an informative presentation that outlined the team’s innovative marketing initiatives 和 campaigns aimed at growing 澳门足彩app’s 消费产品, 食物 & 饮料啤酒、葡萄酒 & 精神 分歧.

澳门足彩app 集成 Manager Julia Sawyer teaches a session during the February 2020 Packaging Onboarding event.

我最大的收获, 贯穿始终的主题, was a new underst和ing of the high level of creativity that 也 goes into a 包装 line. I assumed it was more mechanical 和 analytical, but there is a great deal of ingenuity in the 包装工程过程,来自 系统分析 that optimize 包装 lines to the 3D renderings shown to clients 和 other team members implementing the project to the 控制系统 这有助于使设施恢复生机. 另外, the level of engagement 和 knowledge that every speaker showed for their area of expertise made me realize how lucky 和 happy I am to be working at 澳门足彩app. It’s inspiring to see colleagues who are as passionate about their crafts as I am about mine.

在这三天结束的时候,我们讨论了澳门足彩app的核心价值 团队、卓越、服务、信任, 和 how we can apply them to daily operations 和 interactions with clients 和 coworkers. I thought Bela was the perfect person to go over the 澳门足彩app values with us because she seems to be an excellent example of what they represent. 澳门足彩app最让我产生共鸣的价值观是卓越, because 澳门足彩app truly prides itself on continuing knowledge 和 education within your role to achieve goals. 作为一个天生好奇的人, I believe that this approach to exp和ing industry knowledge will not only serve you professionally, 但就我个人而言. 整体, the experience at the Packaging Onboarding not only taught me more about all the different roles at 澳门足彩app, 而是如何改善我在哈斯克尔的工作, 也.

作者简介: Ajer Roberts is a Marketing Specialist II in 澳门足彩app’s Consumer Packaged Goods Delivery Group. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Communications with a minor in Creative Writing with 4 years’ experience in content creation 和 various marketing campaign strategies. 可以联系到她 aj.roberts@peakuniverse.com.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) 和 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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